Frequently Asked Questions

Summer Hours of Operation

See what's open and when over the summer on our summer hours webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

A picture of the sign outside of the Harper Dining Center
What do the numbers mean with the different meal plan options?

The numbers listed with each meal plan represent meal swipes and Dining Dollars. The first number represents meal swipes and the second number represents Dining Dollars. How those numbers break down depends on the type of plan you get. You can find more information on the meal plans webpage.

Premium 18/300, Big Red 14/200, Platinum 12/400, Diamond 10/600 & Sapphire 8/800 meal plans:

The swipes in these plans reset every Sunday, so the first number represents the number of meal swipes per week and the second number represents the amount of Dining Dollars per semester.

For example, the Premium 18/300 meal plan provides you with 18 meal swipes per week and 300 Dining Dollars per semester.

Gold 125/500, Silver 75/500 & Bronze 50/275 meal plans:

The swipes in these plans are provided in a "block" for the whole semester, so the first number represents the number of meal swipes per semester and the second number represents the amount of Dining Dollars per semester.

For example, the Gold 125/500 meal plan provides you with 125 meal swipes per semester and 500 Dining Dollars per semester.

What if I miss a meal because of work, class or an extra activity?

Sack lunches/dinners and even sack breakfasts are definitely a solution to your situation! Stop by the Dining Services management office in your residence hall to discuss your schedule with one of the management staff who will arrange the sack meal for you to pick up.

What if I have special dietary needs?

Students living in University Housing with special dietary needs are asked to contact Ellyn McCarter, Dining Services registered dietitian and nutrition manager, to discuss plans about how to best meet the student's needs. Please contact Ellyn at 402.472.6882 or

Where can I find the menu for the residence hall dining centers?

Menus are posted at

How can I change my meal plan?

See our Changing Your Meal Plan webpage for details on how to make changes to your meal plan.

How can I share my ideas about the menu with Dining Services' staff?

We encourage and appreciate students' menu ideas and have a few ways for you to become involved in that process including:

  • Becoming part of the University Dining Services' Menu Committee which has regularly scheduled meetings. If you cannot attend the meeting(s), share your ideas with one of the management staff members who will present your suggestions at the meeting.
  • Use Dining Services' comment cards which are available at each of the Dining Centers to communicate your ideas and questions. Please include your name and e-mail or phone number so a member of the management staff can obtain additional information if needed.
  • Visit us in person! We always appreciate the opportunity to talk with students about the menu.
How can I become more involved in Dining Services' activities?

A great way is to become a member of one of the University Dining Services' committees. Examples include:

  • The gNc (good Nutrition counts) committee which plans and presents nutrition/wellness programs for the students.
  • The Menu Committee evaluates and plans menus and evaluates new products and recipes.
  • Dining Center Special Event Teams plan and present special events in each of the dining centers.

In addition, you can find University Housing & Dining Services on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @unlhousing

What if I'm not feeling well and can't get to a dining center for meal(s)?

There's a Sick Meal Approval form available at any dining center cashier desk that needs to be completed by the person getting a meal for you (i.e. friend, roommate, classmate, RA, etc.). The cashier will verify the information on the form and visually verify the NCard of the person getting the meal for you (so we have someone to follow up with if we need to). Once those items have been verified, that individual can get a sick meal for you.

Can guests join me for meals?

Premium 18/300, Big Red 14/200, Platinum 12/400, Diamond 10/600 & Sapphire 8/800 meal plans:

Students can use their weekly swipes or Dining Dollars in any way they choose, including for guests. Students who use their two (2) meal plan swipes are prevented from eating elsewhere during the same meal period. Students who use their alotted weekly meal plan swipes are prevented from eating elsewhere until their swipes reload on Sunday morning.

Gold 125/500, Silver 75/500 & Bronze 50/275 meal plans:

Students can use their swipes or Dining Dollars in any way they choose. Students who use their five (5) meal plan swipes are prevented from eating elsewhere during the same meal period.

When or why would there be a "block" on my NCard with Dining Services?

There are different situations that can cause a "block" to occur such as:

If you've used two (2) meal swipes during a single meal period on the Premium 18/300, Big Red 14/200, Platinum 12/400, Diamond 10/600 or Sapphire 8/800 meal plans; or five (5) meal swipes during a single meal period on the Gold 125/500, Silver 75/500 or Bronze 50/275 meal plans, you will be blocked from using meal swipes until the next meal period.

If you are using your meal swipe at a location other than the all-you-care-to-eat dining centers, the swipe has a $9.00 value and please remember the following:

  • The $9.00 meal swipe is only for food items at Herbie’s Markets (Abel, Cather, Knoll, Selleck, and Village).
  • You can only use two (2) $9.00 meal swipes per meal period at any Herbie’s Market location (Abel, Cather, Knoll, Selleck, and Village).