Food Trucks

Food Trucks

Harper Smokehouse Food Truck staff prepare dishes to be served

Harper's Smokehouse Food Truck

Dining Services is pleased to offer the first food truck based on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. Serving delicious smokehouse favorites such as smoked pork carnitas tacos, smoked cajun chicken tacos, chicharrón nachos, and pulled pork or burnt end sandwiches on a rotating menu, you'll find something to enjoy every time.

We accept cash, credit cards, and Dining Dollars.

Rotating Menus

Mexican BBQ

Menu 1


Tacos – smoked pork carnitas or smoked Cajun chicken with house-pickled jalapeno, house-pickled red onion, house salsa, avocado crema, cotija cheese, and cilantro

Loaded Fries – smoked pork carnitas or smoked Cajun chicken with queso, diced onion, diced tomato, avocado crema, pickled jalapeno, and cilantro


Street Corn – roasted corn, lime, crema, Mexican spice blend, cotija cheese, and cilantro


BBQ Sandwiches

Menu 2


Pulled Pork – served with crunchy coleslaw, house pickles, and Harper’s BBQ sauce

Burnt Ends – with cheddar cheese, house-pickled jalapeno, house pickles, crispy onions, and Harper’s BBQ sauce

Beer Cheese Mac ‘N’ Cheese – pulled pork or burnt ends with house-pickled jalapenos, crispy onion, Harper’s BBQ Sauce, and green onion


Harper seasoned fries


Burgers & Brats

Menu 3


Smoked Smash Burger – with cheddar cheese, red onions, sliced tomato, lettuce, house pickle, bacon jam, and garlic aioli

Harper House-made Brat – served with banana pepper pickle relish, caramelized onion, ketchup, and horseradish mustard


Ranch fries


Asian BBQ

Menu 4


Smoked Chicken or Pork Belly Banh Mi – served with cucumber, pickled carrot and daikon, cilantro, mushroom pate, over-hard egg, sriracha mayo and a side of two fried veggie spring rolls

Rice Bowls with Smoked Grilled Chicken Skewers or Smoked Pork Belly Slices – with pickled carrots and daikon, crispy garlic rice, mint, cilantro, scallions, cucumber, nuoc cham sauce, and sriracha mayo

Smoked Asian Sticky Wings – served with crispy garlic rice


chicharrón chips

pork carnitas tacos

menu board outside the food truck

students enjoying the food truck test run

pulled pork tacos

food truck test run

Local Food Trucks

Reservations for local food trucks to park on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus are coordinated by the Nebraska Unions' reservations team. Email your inquiries and questions to or call 402–472–1778.

There are three (3) designated locations for food trucks:

Nebraska Union: 
on the east end of the fountain plaza 

City Campus: 
adjacent to Avery Hall 

East Campus: 
College of Dentistry parking lot 

Food Truck Policies


Home Football Game Days

Mobile Food Vendors may not operate on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus on the same day of a home football game. Refer to the Football Game Day Stadium Halo Policy.


Mobile Food Vendors may only sell at designated times and at University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus locations (“Campus”) approved by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Campus includes the geographic area encompassing the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s academic and residential community. This includes all roads and all parking lots which serve buildings occupied primarily by UNL faculty, staff, or students. Mobile Food Vendors may only sell on Campus in accordance with the requirements of this Mobile Food Vendor/Food Truck policy and all other UNL policies.

All Mobile Food Vendors will appear on campus at the designated recurring locations during the assigned time as administered by Nebraska Unions Reservations. Exceptions to this will be for a Special Event Food Truck, which needs to have the locations approved by the Nebraska Unions Reservations office. Special Event Food Trucks may sell only at events with a UNL Department or Recognized Student Organization (RSO) sponsor (“co-sponsor”) and only at times and locations approved in compliance with this Mobile Food Vendor/Food Truck Policy.

  • Mobile Food Vendors: include Food Trucks, food stands, and individuals selling food on Campus. Mobile Food Vendors do not include vehicles, such as pizza delivery trucks, whose sole purpose is to deliver food which has been ordered, paid for, prepared, and packaged at a restaurant located off-Campus (“Delivery Vehicles”). In order to qualify as a Delivery Vehicle, the vehicle must deliver food directly to each individual customer in their dorm or office and may not establish any on-campus location for central food pick-up.
  • Food Trucks: include Mobile Food Vendors that:
    • serve Campus on a regular established schedule and at a specific location (Regular Food Trucks)
    • serve special events (Special Event Food Trucks).
  • Sell or Selling: includes all commercial distribution of food, including selling food or giving away free samples.
  • Special Event Food Trucks: must include sponsor from a Department or Recognized Student Organization (RSOs)
Regular Food Truck

Food Trucks can sell food during the lunch hours, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm; or until sold out, Monday – Friday for a Food Truck License Fee (see fees). Food Trucks may sell on one or both campuses if space is available to be reserved.

Special Event Food Trucks

Only UNL Departments or Recognized Student Organizations may hire a Food Truck outside of normal lunch hours, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Food Trucks may only be hired to serve at University Events; Food Trucks may not be the event itself. Recognized Student Organizations must submit an Event Planning Request (EPR) form for their event and include any Food Truck(s) they will be hiring for the event. UNL Departments will need to work directly with the Nebraska Unions Reservations office. All requests need to be completed a minimum of ten (10) business days prior to the event date so proper scheduling can be completed and permits can be obtained. Food Trucks must arrive no more than sixty (60) minutes before the event start time and leave no later than sixty (60) minutes after the event end time, unless previous arrangements have been made with Nebraska Unions Reservations.

  • Food Truck Fee: $35 per day per location
  • Special Event Food Truck Fee: $50 per day per location per truck (The UNL Department or RSO will be required to pay this fee.)
  • Monthly Food Truck Fee: $250; does not include Special Event Food Trucks
  • Annual Food Truck Fee (12 months): $1000; does not include Special Event Food Trucks
  • Clean-Up Fee: $25 per hour ($50 minimum)
  • No Show/Late Cancellation Charge: $100
  • Non-Confirmed Reservation First Offense: $250
  • The Food Truck Fee needs to be paid in full no later than 12:00 p.m. the business day before the reservation date.
  • Monthly and Annual Food Truck Fee must be paid in full no later than 12:00 p.m. the business day before the first date of the contract.
Cancellation & No Show
  • Cancellation/No Show: Reservations must be cancelled by 12:00 p.m. the business day before the scheduled reservation date. Failure to cancel a reservation and/or not show up for a reservation will result in a No Show/Late Cancellation charge (See Fees) and subject to terms as outlined under Administration and Enforcement. Cancellation notification must be done with the Nebraska Unions Reservations Office by phone, email, or in person.
  • Late Changes: Changes to the event date within the cancellation deadline will result in a Late Cancellation charge (See Fees). Change notification must be done with the Nebraska Unions Reservations Office by phone, by email, or in person.
  • Non-Confirmed Reservation: First offense, for Food Trucks appearing on campus without a reservation asked to leave immediately. Second offense, will terminate License Agreement and will prompt “Administration and Enforcement” (see page 6).
  • Interruption or Termination of Event: Nebraska Unions administration reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, or terminate any event in the interest of weather-related emergency, public safety, and/or noncompliance with University of Nebraska-Lincoln policies.
  • Interruption or Termination of Event: Nebraska Unions administration reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, or terminate any event in the interest of weather-related emergency, public safety, and/or noncompliance with University of Nebraska-Lincoln policies.
Food Trucks Selling on Campus must satisfy the requirements listed below:
  • Reservation Deadlines: Deadline for reserving dates and locations for the following Monday- Friday by 4 pm Thursday the week prior and need to be made by phone, by email, or in person.
  • Payment: Food Trucks should have the ability to accept various forms of payment, such as cash, credit/debit cards, and NCard (not required) including applicable sales tax.
  • Parking: Food Trucks may park only in approved locations that are safe and accessible; do not block sidewalks, fire lanes, or streets; do not interfere with traffic or University activities; and are consistent with all campus parking rules and regulations and other University policies. Food Trucks are never allowed on the grass.
  • Compliance with laws, regulations, and policies: Food Trucks must comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations and codes, including vehicle codes. They must also comply with University policies.
  • Environmental Health & Safety Requirements:
    • Food Trucks must label, use, store, and dispose of all hazardous waste in compliance with all Federal, State, and local laws.
    • Food Trucks must comply with all UNL requirements which apply to the use of portable generators. Generators must be quiet and no generators may be placed on the ground. Food Trucks may not refuel trucks or generators on Campus property other than at a gas station.
    • Each Food Truck should carry an oil spill containment kit in case of any oil spill.
    • Food Trucks will not disturb building materials and shall stop work and report any inadvertent disturbance of such materials immediately to UNL Environmental Health and Safety at 402-472-4925. Unless specifically qualified to do so, Food Trucks will not enter an area that is posted with warning signs or labels indicating the presence or chemical, biohazardous or radioactive materials, or equipment or areas that may have residual contamination from such materials.
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln Health, Safety and Waste Management Requirements:
    • Each Food Truck must comply with and/or exceed applicable health codes and the highest standards for best practices for neatness, cleanliness, and sanitation.
    • The Food Truck must carry and display a valid Lincoln-Lancaster County or local Health Department permit. A copy of the local Health Department permit also must be submitted to University Office of Risk Management (or Nebraska Unions).
    • An approved fire extinguisher and first aid kit must always be on the truck.
    • Food Trucks must adhere to UNL’s Sustainability on Campus Mission and Vision.
    • Each Food Truck must manage waste disposal in compliance with University of Nebraska-Lincoln policies. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln requires adherence to the following guidelines on Campus, which include:
      • No expanded polystyrene/styrofoam is permitted to be used on Campus.
      • Eliminate or significantly minimize use of plastic bags.
      • Recycle in compliance with all City and State Laws.
      • All Food Trucks must remove all garbage and recyclables, at the end of each shift. No litter or waste may be disposed of on Campus, even if trash bins are available.
      • Food Trucks must prevent the disposal of any materials, including rinse or wash waters, any spilled materials or any waste; into streets, gutters, storm drains, or creeks.
      • No vehicle or equipment cleaning is to be performed on Campus.
      • Vehicles and equipment must be free of leaking fluids.
    • Insurance: The following insurance is required for Food Trucks unless otherwise approved by Risk Management:
      • Shall obtain and maintain a policy or policies of general liability insurance in the State of Nebraska providing coverage for personal injury and property damage. Such general liability insurance shall have a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence with a $3,000,000 aggregate limit for personal injuries, death, or property damage suffered by any person or persons arising out of the use of the Facilities or the services provided with such use. Licensee shall name the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska as an additional insured. Licensee shall provide the University with proof of insurance coverage, in the form of a certificate of insurance, not less than ten (10) business days in advance of the Event. Failure to obtain a certificate of insurance does not constitute a waiver of such insurance requirements by the University.
      • The Food Truck’s insurance shall be primary coverage, UNL insurance or self-insurance shall be excess and noncontributory.
      • Prior to selling on Campus, Regular Food Trucks and Special Event Food Trucks shall furnish the University’s Office of Risk Management (or Nebraska Unions Reservations) the insurance documents for all required insurance.
      • Signage: A display for menu and pricing shall be clearly displayed. The name, address, and telephone number of the owner, operator, and/or business should be clearly displayed on the Food Truck.
      • Additional Advertising: Any additional advertising beyond the Food Truck and the Food Truck Website must be submitted to Nebraska Unions Reservations for review and approval 10 business days prior to the scheduled event.
      • Appearance: Food Truck, trade dress, employee uniform, menu boards, hours of operation, and all other operating shall be professional and in line with University of Nebraska-Lincoln standards.
      • Pop-up Tent & Seating: Food Trucks are allowed one (1) pop up tent per Food Truck and must be weighted down; Staking into the ground is prohibited. Any additional tables or chairs require prior approval a minimum of 10 business days by the Nebraska Unions Reservations office. All placement of pop-up tents and seating will be dependent on the weather. If UNL Landscape Services determines the outdoor space is too wet, snowy, etc. to withstand being damaged, the Food Truck will not be allowed to setup a pop-up tent and seating. A decision will be made as early as possible but since weather can be unpredictable, the decision may not be able to be made until the day of the event. Nebraska Unions Reservations will provide as much communication to the event contact as possible.
      • Noise: No music or amplified sound may emit from Food Trucks or outside the Food Trucks unless approved by Nebraska Unions Reservations Ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled event date.
      • Glass: No food or beverages in glass bottles or other glass containers may be sold or be given away by Food Trucks.
      • Beverages: All soda/pop, juice, water, sports drinks, and other packaged liquids sold or given away shall be Pepsi-Cola branded products.
      • Alcohol Service: Food Trucks may not manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or sell alcoholic beverages on University property.
      • Other requests: Food Trucks must comply with all requests of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department or University officials related to the safety of the Campus or the proper functioning of the University, including requests to leave Campus or relocate.
      • After Event: It is the Food Trucks responsibility to ensure the space they reserve is returned reasonably clean and as close to possible to the original condition they found it. If spaces are left unreasonably dirty, a cleanup charge will be accessed (see Fees)
      • The University of Nebraska-Lincoln assumes no responsibility for items, personal or organizational, left unattended.
Barbecuing, Grilling, Smoking Requirements

The following Fire Safety Guidelines for Grilling and or smoking are required:

  • Barbecue Grills and/or Smokers should be used on a firm, flat, stable surface.
  • Place the Barbecue grill and/or smokers a safe distance from event attendees and the grill location may not block building entry and exit points;
  • Barbecue grill and/or smokers may not interfere with sidewalks, driveways, parking spaces, walkways, etc.
  • Barbecue grills and/or smokers should not be used within 10 feet of any structure.
  • Fire extinguishers should be readily available when using any barbecue grill and/or smokers.
  • Turkey Fryers are not permitted at any University of Nebraska-Lincoln events.
Tobacco Free Campus Policy

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is a tobacco-free campus. For more details on this policy visit the tobacco free campus webpage.

Administration and Enforcement

Designated by the Office of Business and Finance, Nebraska Unions Reservations is responsible for administering the Mobile Food Vendor/Food Truck Policy. Mobile Food Vendors operating on Campus in violation of these policies will be asked to leave. University of Nebraska-Lincoln reserves the right to take all appropriate action against those failing to comply with this policy or these requests, including actions under civil or criminal trespass laws. This policy may be changed at University of Nebrask-aLincoln’s sole discretion without any prior notice.